Emmy Rossum, a Virgo.
Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Photo: Getty Images
The second eclipse season of 2024 begins with tonight’s lunar eclipse in Pisces. Eclipses tend to mark dramatic moments of change and transition; this one in particular invites you to release something that’s been weighing you down — a relationship gone sour, some long-held criticism of yourself, an old goal that no longer makes sense for the person you’ve become. It’s never easy to let go of what was once important to you, but the endings you experience now will ultimately make new beginnings possible.
If you feel discontented or emotionally off-kilter today, it’s easy to blame the people around you: Maybe you think they’re putting too much pressure on you, or maybe they’re offering too little support. But criticizing others won’t make you feel better right now. You have to focus on yourself and avoid getting drawn into anyone else’s dramas. Your own feelings are calling out for your attention, so focus on what you can do to support yourself.
Getting enough time alone is probably vital to your overall happiness. When you’re on your own, you don’t have to cater to anybody else’s needs or worry about how you’re being perceived. Too much of it, though, causes you to feel strange and disconnected, and it makes you forget just how loved you are. The loneliness you’ve felt lately could begin to fade today as you reconnect with the world around you. You’re surrounded by care and affection, so tap into it.
Sometimes, life feels like a series of insignificant moments. You have good days and bad days, but big picture, nothing much seems to change. Most of the time, you have to take it on faith that there’s a point to it all, that all your efforts will add up to something greater. But today could be one of the rare days when you get confirmation that all your hard work hasn’t been for nothing but is part of something wonderful.
Lately, the urge has been building in you to run away, to transform yourself, to make the sort of bold decision that changes everything. Though your current life might be perfectly adequate, that no longer feels like enough. You know that you’re capable of much more, and you’re cooler and braver than you’ve had a chance to prove to yourself. Don’t hold back today: If you make courageous choices now, it’ll eventually lead to the life you’ve been longing for.
You’re probably not someone who’s quick to apologize. Maybe it’s your pride that gets in the way; maybe you think the other person needs to say sorry first. Today, though, you might find that old mistakes are weighing on you, and if they are, it’s a good opportunity to make amends. It isn’t too late to set things right — or at least, make a genuine attempt — and you’ll be amazed how much lighter you feel once you do.
Long-standing disagreements with the people you love are likely to be thrown into sharp relief today. While you can normally paper over your differences, makeshift solutions will feel insufficient now. Even if everyone’s making a good-faith effort, nobody’s willing to accept a compromise that doesn’t genuinely work — and while this might feel frustrating, it’s ultimately a good thing. If you can work through the challenges of the moment, the resolution you land on will be a real and lasting one, not just another stopgap.
As much as possible, you take your time with important decisions — you prefer to gather as much information as you can so that you’re not surprised down the line. Now, though, you might be uncharacteristically reckless. If something hasn’t been working, you want to quit right this instant. If you’ve been nurturing a secret dream, you want to start chasing it now. Normally, making important choices in haste isn’t the wisest course of action, but today, it might not be such a bad idea.
Some people are hesitant to dig too deeply into their own psyches, perhaps afraid of what they’ll find there — but not you. You’d rather dig up the truth than settle for a comforting lie, and you’d rather face your demons than pretend they don’t exist. As a result, you know yourself well and aren’t often distracted by fantasies or wishful thinking. Sometimes, though, this ends up giving you an overly pessimistic view of yourself and others. You’re probably a better person than you give yourself credit for, and today, you might demonstrate how kind and courageous you can be.
You don’t necessarily place a lot of value on security — when asked, you’ll always say that you’d prefer an interesting life to a safe one. But it’s one thing to deal in hypotheticals and another to face uncertainty in real life. If what you genuinely want is adventure, your challenge is not to back down when the road ahead gets difficult. Or if you find that comfort and security are more important to you than you realized, that’s nothing to be ashamed of — your values are allowed to evolve.
Life can’t always feel grand and exciting: Some days are ordinary, some conversations are bland. Today, though, the moments and interactions you expect to be tedious and dull could end up surprising you: Maybe they’ll be more interesting than you expected or even end up opening doors to exciting new possibilities. Don’t rush through the little stuff so that you can get to the fun parts sooner. If you open your mind, people may prove to be more unpredictable than you anticipated.
The longer you’ve been working toward a particular goal, the harder it is to stop — but there’s no rule that you have to keep doing what you’ve been doing. It’s never too late to change your mind, decide your current plan isn’t working, and take a risk on what you really want. If you’ve been dissatisfied with the direction of your life, today offers you the opportunity to change course.
Lately, you’ve been hesitant to assert your needs or your boundaries: You’re all too aware that others expect you to be selfless. But at a certain point, ignoring your needs for the sake of the group becomes unbearable, so today, be honest about what you want. The people in your life might respond more generously than you think — and if they don’t, even if your modest requests create drama or heartache, taking a stand will be worth it.
Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.
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