Virtual reality gambling brings a revolution in this industry by blending the best of technology and traditional casino features. If you’ve ever fant
BRUSSELS (AP) — European Union leaders insisted on Thursday that no decisions can be taken about the future of war-ra
Major US weapons manufacturers including Boeing and Lockheed Martin, along with Europe's Airbus and Chinese firms, put their wares on show at an arms fair in Ha
MANCHESTER, England (AP) — Organizers of a breakaway European Super League have revealed new plans to create a rival
STRASBOURG, France (AP) — The European Union’s legislature on Tuesday celebrated the bravery and staunch resistance
Open this photo in gallery:European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde arrives for a news conference at the ECB headquarters in Frankfurt, Germany, on Dec
Set against a backdrop of picture-perfect mountains and lush forests, this small, stunning European town is willing to welcome more tourists to explore its nat
A stunning walkable European city adorned with quaint canals is similar to a mini-Amsterdam and the best part is that Brits can get there by train.In Bruges, a
ROME (AP) — The Council of Europe’s anti-torture committee on Friday released a report criticizing Italy’s treatm
BRUSSELS (AP) — Some European Union countries on Thursday doubled down on their decision to rapidly halt asylum proce
BRUSSELS (AP) — European Union ministers on Thursday agreed to let Bulgaria and Romania fully integrate into Europeâ€
BRUSSELS -- European Union ministers on Thursday agreed to let Bulgaria and Romania fully integrate into Europe’s ID-check free travel zone, known as the Sche