Ukraine on Wednesday halted Russian gas supplies to European customers through its pipeline network after a prewar transit deal expired at the end of
KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Ukraine on Wednesday halted Russian gas supplies to European customers through its pipeline netw
BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) — Ceremonies were held just before midnight Tuesday to mark Bulgaria’s and Romania’s full
One of the world’s smallest countries is the only place in Europe where women are paid more than men.Luxembourg is not only tiny but it is also the world's ri
Virtual reality gambling brings a revolution in this industry by blending the best of technology and traditional casino features. If you’ve ever fant
BRUSSELS (AP) — European Union leaders insisted on Thursday that no decisions can be taken about the future of war-ra
Major US weapons manufacturers including Boeing and Lockheed Martin, along with Europe's Airbus and Chinese firms, put their wares on show at an arms fair in Ha
MANCHESTER, England (AP) — Organizers of a breakaway European Super League have revealed new plans to create a rival
STRASBOURG, France (AP) — The European Union’s legislature on Tuesday celebrated the bravery and staunch resistance
Open this photo in gallery:European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde arrives for a news conference at the ECB headquarters in Frankfurt, Germany, on Dec
Set against a backdrop of picture-perfect mountains and lush forests, this small, stunning European town is willing to welcome more tourists to explore its nat
A stunning walkable European city adorned with quaint canals is similar to a mini-Amsterdam and the best part is that Brits can get there by train.In Bruges, a