
Want to get a European stamp in your passport? You’ll…

Posted by August 20, 2024

Travel tips: What to do if you lose phone, passportsThese four travel tips will help in case you find yourself without a phone, ID, passport or credit card whil

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Difficulties in securing European travel visas ‘tarnishes Ireland’s reputation’ as…

Posted by July 28, 2024

Non-EU nationals, who come to Ireland with skilled work visas, are facing “significant professional, financial and psychological” challenges because of dela

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This year’s European Championship demonstrated how waves of immigration have…

Posted by July 15, 2024

The racist chants started every time Shaun Wright-Phillips touched the ball and grew stronger as the match went on, with some 40,000 Spanish football fans ra

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Want to leave the US? Here’s how to move to…

Posted by July 4, 2024

Become a professional telecommuting digital nomad with these tipsFollow these tips to establish yourself as a professional digital nomad. Buzz60’s Chloe Hurst

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Sinn Fein’s support collapses in local and European elections

Posted by June 10, 2024

Eight weeks later, he said he was “delighted” by the results on Monday. But he ruled out calling an early general election,

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Ireland’s anti-immigration backlash is spiralling into country-wide unrest

Posted by February 19, 2024

Ireland’s anti-immigration backlash has spiralled into country-wide unrest. Protests, arson attacks and hardening anti-immigr

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