It’s not always easy, but the planets offer something far more valuable than a quick fix – the chance to grow, change, and see things differently.
Aries, you may find yourself caught between opposing views, but your knack for seeing both sides can calm the chaos. Taurus, it’s not difficult to go unnoticed, could showing them what you’re made could be worth the risk?
Gemini, slowing down could reveal something you’ve been missing. And Cancer, it’s time to separate fear from fact – once you do, you’ll know exactly what needs to be done.
Ahead, you’ll find all the star signs’ horoscopes for today: Tuesday 7, January 2025.
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March 21 to April 20
Crossed wires are possible, especially if you’re discussing something that needs attention to detail. It helps to clarify matters so that you can speak your mind and make progress. With Mercury forging an awkward angle to Mars, you may be drawn to act as mediator in a tricky situation. Your ability to empathise with both sides makes it possible to smooth the way ahead.
Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aries
April 21 to May 21
This is a great time to showcase your unique skills in new ways. If you have a special talent, then don’t hide it away, make sure everyone knows about it. Need to spend money on marketing yourself? If so, it will be worth it. Plus, you may be wondering about a budding romance. Don’t try too hard to make an impression, as it could work against you. Just be your natural self.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Taurus
May 22 to June 21
Have big projects on the go, as well as other interests? The presence of the Sun in your sector of change, encourages you not to make busyness your default setting. If you ease off the accelerator, you’ll have a chance to connect with deeper currents of feeling. You’ll get to perceive aspects of your life in ways that can bring about a breakthrough. It may transform a situation for the better.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Gemini
June 22 to July 23
This isn’t the time to hesitate, even if you do have doubts about your course of action. Your thinking may not be linked to facts as much as to fear. As Mercury forges an obtuse link with Mars, your emotions could lead you astray unless you can override them. Look at what’s in front of your eyes rather than what you imagine is there. Clarity is what you really need.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Cancer
July 24 to August 23
Edgy influences are at work, so try to slow down and take things in your stride. You likely won’t want to, though. Excitement around an idea that’s the perfect challenge may be pushing you to do something. Don’t jump in too quickly, as other factors may come into play that you’ll need to incorporate. Plus, with Mars rewinding in Cancer, a side of you might want to steer clear of trouble.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Leo
August 24 to September 23
Enjoying your social life? Key planets encourage you to connect with those whose company you find fascinating. Still, you’ll need to take some conversations or gossip with a pinch of salt. It’s best not to believe everything. An edgy angle between Mercury and Mars suggests you should trust yourself, not others. Even so, you may be reluctant to cause a fuss, even if it’s warranted.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Virgo
September 24 to October 23
With Mars in reverse, your mind may be on ideas and opportunities that can seem a little out of reach. Are they though? Today brings a lively burst of energy that encourages you to take a leap of faith and go after a dream of yours. Don’t let a fear of failure stop you. Once you get going, you’ll realise how perfect this is for you. Take your time but know that success is within reach.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Libra
October 24 to November 22
Perplexed by someone? If what they say and do don’t match up, you may wonder about their motives. With Mercury in Sagittarius angling towards Mars in the sensitive Cancer, your thoughts about this person could take on a life of their own. Try to stay detached rather than overreact. If you manage this, you’ll see this situation for what it is and see them exactly as they are.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Scorpio
November 23 to December 21
Is someone giving you confusing advice? If so, it’s worth paying attention to your instincts about a situation. With an awkward Mercury/Mars aspect showing, you may be persuaded to go against your own better judgement. If something is important to you, don’t let others influence you. You know what you want, so it’s just a matter of keeping your focus on it until you get it.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Sagittarius
December 22 to January 21
Honesty is your strength when it comes to relationships. Why do you want to connect with someone? Reflect deeply and speak from the heart, as it might leave you feeling vulnerable, but the payoff could be profound. Authenticity has a way of strengthening bonds in unexpected ways, creating deeper trust and understanding, so resist the urge to hold back or overthink.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Capricorn
January 22 to February 19
Do you feel pulled between social adventures and work responsibilities? The temptation to prioritise fun is strong, and let’s be honest, you’re leaning towards it. While your workload might require attention, a little joy and connection could do wonders for your spirit. Sneak in some social time without letting deadlines slip, and don’t feel guilty about recharging with friends.
Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aquarius
February 20 to March 20
If someone seems to be prying into your business a little too much, you’ll resent it and be inclined to give away as little as possible. But as Mercury inclines towards Mars, this matter could ramp-up further with developing aspects making conversation and a solution more difficult. There’s a chance of a new beginning, but you’ll need to set firmer boundaries first.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Pisces
Your daily horoscope is here every morning, seven days a week (yes, including weekends!). To check your forecast, head to our dedicated horoscopes page.
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