Dangerous temperatures could kill 50% more people in Europe by the end of the century, a study has found, with the lives lost to stronger heat projected to outn
The European Green Party calls on the European institutions to lead an independent investigation into the 2023 Tempi rail disaster that killed 57 people, as ma
The Mayor of Nice signed an order on cruise ships of more than 900 passengers from docking in Nicein a major blow to tourists. The order will take effect on Ju
European leaders had nearly got to the end of the first week of living with Donald Trump back in the White House, with the sole consoling thought that it might
Russia systematically distorts historical facts as a weapon in its hybrid war against Ukraine, according to a resolution adopted by the European Parliame
Nestled just a few hours from the Olympic Winter Games Milano Cortina 2026 biathlon venue, the snow-covered peaks of Martell-Val Martello are ready to welcome E
During an American election, a rich man can hand out $1 million checks to prospective voters. Companies and people can use secretly funded “dark money” nonp
CNN — “It doesn’t do any good for your heart, for your mind, for anything,” sa
LONDON — All over Europe, there are signs of a continent steeling itself for the unthinkable.Lithuania plans to lay mines on its bridges to Russia, ready to d
A tiny little European country that is the smallest in the world by size and population has a zero birth rate.Spread over just 0.44 sq km with a population of j
Europe is in trouble. Multiple, long-simmering external and internal challenges are coming to the boil. Taken together, they comprise the modern EU’s biggest
Vladimir Putin one step closer to taking over a European country this year.Experts say the Russian President is suggesting that a new 2025 Union State Security